About Me

First of all, I would like to introduce myself; my name is Nick Pislar. I’m a happy member of Second Slavic Baptist Church. Like most saved by the grace of God, I too have a past I would like to briefly talk about.

March 9, 2006 was my first real prayer when I cried out to God, and to my shock, He heard me! That’s when it all started. After that prayer, life continued, and to tell you the truth I felt like the worst Christian ever because I sinned more than before and I felt like this may be it. God might have said, enough! Only by God’s patience am I still alive today. On Saturday of that week was my first sermon ever. The sermon was a fail in my eyes, but as I prayed I tried to open my eyes to see the impact my sermon had, and I saw a long white robe, and a hand on my shoulder and a voice saying “well done,” to me. I didn’t need anything else. The day was probably the best of my life, as I recall. (I still haven’t got married) joke. But the day wasn’t over. That night came the unexpected, I faced death. For more information, I had a peptic ulcer, or like most people say, a hole in your stomach. I was thrilled, my thoughts were that I will go to heaven, and forget all these problems. I remember that night I read John 20, and thanked God for dying on the cross for me. At four o’clock my mom comes in, and asks how I am feeling? I replied, going to heaven. And she said, No, God has a plan for your life, you will live. And now I see His plan. But as you know life continues

I don’t remember much after that because now I fell in love with God so much. He forgave me and erased everything, to my shock I don’t remember. I remember coming out a couple times in front of church to repent but nothing. The beginning of 2008 was when it was at its worse, because I lost all hope for a future of being set free, of all addictions of mine. January 31, 2008 was an evangelization service that I attended. I remember Michael Savin had a great sermon on being taken captive, I taught it was amazing and at the end of the sermon I asked God Was this for me? To my shock, as I asked God that, Michael Savin said a phrase I will remember for the rest of my life “AS LONG AS YOU ARE ALIVE, GOD WANTS TO SET YOU FREE, FOR YOU TO FLY LIKE A BIRD.” I felt a burn within me and realized it was for me but I had many chains of addictions and that was the hardest move of my life. I cried out to God and asked Him to give me the strength to come out. So out I went, I came out and to my surprise I couldn’t say a word! I was crying for about 2 minutes. I was speechless. What can you say to a God you gave your life to, but have rejected by your actions? My words started flowing as I stood up. After that I was never the same.

That year on June 29, 2008 I got baptized. I remember two advices from people before baptism. First, “remember baptism is not life but death.”  Second, “you just got baptized; now it’s worse for you to sin because you know now that it’s wrong.” Towards the ending year I faced death for the second time; but now I was scared because I realized I had no clue where I was going to go. I remember going to my mom in the middle of the night, and telling her I’m going to die and that I was really scared. She told me to trust God. Later that night, I told God everything and fell asleep like a baby. By God’s grace I got to see many more miracles and would never trade my life with Christ for anything in the world!

Now, knowing where I come from, you may see why I do what I do and say what I say. I am not ashamed to say I am a Christian. I will continue to preach as long as God gives me breath. What once used to be my childhood dream has now become reality. I’m what they call a preacha man. God has blessed me beyond my belief and He can do the same for you. Just like me, you can fall to your knees and ask Him to start working in you and He definitely will. He died to give you a life filled with His blessings. Though there will be many trials and temptations, having God in your life is the assurance that He will always help you and guide you in His miraculous ways!

Last thing, my goal here on the website is to post my sermons and other great spiritual food that by God’s grace will help you get closer to Him. I will talk about things that are hard to talk about, but harder to listen to. I will talk about marriage, obedience, sexual immorality (it’s the second biggest topic in the New Testament), and much more. Have a pleasant visit and May God bless you as you serve him in obedience.

Always In My Prayers,

Nick Pislar